The Holiday Season

My dear son,

To advise others is an easy matter. The difficulty is in accepting advice, since this is a bitter thing for those who follow their inclinations and desires.

It has been narrated that someone saw Al-Junayd after his death in a dream. Al Junayd was asked:
What news do you have, Al Qasim?” He replied, “ Perished are the speeches and vanished are the allusions; nothing benefited us excepts the prostrations which we made in the middle of the night”

Al Ghazali : Chapter 3

It certainly fitting that one who carries the torch of Allah realizes its place in this world. The so called “doers of good” ultimately carry the burden of bearing witness towards the truth of Islam as proclaimed in the Syahadah. However this does not elevate them to a high enough pedestal as to refuse consult or advice in any sort of form. Whispers such as, “I’ve heard this before”, or “My knowledge and deeds are sufficient for today” are at times heard amongst these staunch Muslim activists.

I stand here not to criticize, merely to reflect and point out the potential calamity that may arise if the people who call to Islam themselves have no initiative for self development. Time and time again, we have seen our numbers dwindle at the sight of worldly responsibilities. When exams hit us the hardest, a deluge of essays start to pile up; the Muslim suddenly goes on holiday, putting on hold the very essence of the proclamation that ironically defines who he is.

The task at hand is by no means small. Planning a journey includes allocation rations, supplies and equipment to facilitate its course.

So the question remains, have we planned for Jannah......

Tiada Tajuk yang Sesuai

Hari ini menandakan hari terakhir perperiksaan bagi aku. Kecenderungan aku untuk olat hajat dan berdoa dengan bersungguh-sungguh selalunya memuncak ketika tengah-tengah musim ‘exam’. Aku yakin orang lain pun lebih kurang. Sedang aku belek-belek quran semata-mata sebab tiada motivasi nak belajar lagi (exam petang ni), aku terserempak dengan ayat ni

“dan apabila Kami kurniakan nikmat kepada manusia, berpalinglah Dia serta menjauhkan diri (dari bersyukur); dan apabila ia ditimpa kesusahan, maka ia berdoa merayu Dengan panjang lebar.” 51;41

Pengajaran? Aku teringat tazkirah dari akhi Salehuddin sewaktu usrah di KMB dulu. Perbandingan Firaun dan Ibrahim. Dipendekkan cerita. Ibrahim sentiasa berzikir, sentiasa ingat akan kehadiran Allah, tidak kira situasi. Ketika dihumban dalam api oleh Namrud, Allah bantu. Balasan kepada hamba yang sentiasa bersyukur. Firaun? Rupa-rupanya, hero macam mana pun, ketika nyawanya ibarat di kerongkong, di tengah-tengah laut bersama pengikut-pengikutnya yang sesat, “hero” kita akhirnya mengaku kepercayaan kepada “tuhan Nabi Musa”. Useless. Dihumban juga ke dalam api neraka.

Kesimpulan? Jangan tunggu time terdesak baru nak berdoa. Jangan tunggu ditimpa bala baru nak nangis time sujud. Jangan kalau teringinkan something baru nak solat hajat. Jangan bila sakit baru nak ingat Allah. Jangan tunggu. Jangan tunggu. Buat je. Sekian

Karam Singh Walia selalu bagi analogi/peribahasa time bace berita. Jadi rakan-rakan, harap-harap tidaklah hanya "hangat-hangat tahi ayam" dalam berdoa atau melakukan ibadah sunnah.

Wallahu alam

Is it too late to apologize?

Is it too late to apologize?

For how I’ve been

Living a life of sin

Is it too late to apologize?

To the ones I’ve caused pain

For the promises made on a whim

Is it too late to apologize?

Knowing of the heart that aches

Of my past mistakes

Is it too late to apologize?

As I live life in bliss

While surrounded by ignorance

Is it too late to apologize?

To the unassuming soul

Of which truth is yet to be told

Is it too late to apologize?

For leaving you behind

In search of the truth at bay

Is it too late to apologize?

For I have much to learn,

Much to earn

Is it too late to apologize?

For a betrayal of trust

Forgive me You must

Is it too late to apologize?

To seek the ultimate pleasure

In Your presence, alone and at leisure

Is it too late to apologize?

In the dead of night

Jittery chills of fright

Is it too late to apologize?

Oh Allah how I pray…

You lead me not astray

Is it too late to apologize?

For my time is short

And my deeds are of naught

I ask you

Is it too late to apologize?


Baru kat dunia

Belum yang di 'sana'

Dah study?

PS:aku nak minta maaf kat housemate2 atas segala kekurangan aku.

Destinasi Cinta

Aku jarang dengar nasyid. Tapi entah, lagu ni agak bermakna bagi aku. Lyric die mcm xle blah. Banyak lagi kot lagu nasyid yang best. Cuma aku x terlayan. So lagu lame pun, jadila. Maafkan pengunaan bahasa kepasaran. Perlukan kelainan.

Menyingkap tirai hati
Mengintai keampunan
Di halaman subur rahmat-Mu, Tuhan
Tiap jejak nan bertapak
Debu kejahilan
Akan ku jirus dengan madu keimanan

Tak ternilai airmata dengan permata
Yang bisa memadamkan api neraka
Andai benar mengalir dari nasuha nurani
Tak kan berpaling pada palsu duniawi

Destinasi cinta yang ku cari
Sebenarnya terlalu hampir
Hanya kabur kerana dosa di dalam hati
Telah ku redah daerah cinta
Yang lahir dari wadah yang alpa
Tiada tenang ku temui
Hanya kecewa menyelubungi

Ku gelintar segenap maya
Dambakan sebutir hakikat
Untuk ku semai menjadi sepohon makrifat
Moga dapat ku berteduh di rendang kasih-Mu

Namun ranjaunya tidak akan sunyi
Selagi denyut nadi belum berhenti
Durjana syaitan kan cuba menodai
Segumpal darah bernama hati
(Destinasi cinta Ilahi)

Lestarikan wadi kalbuku, oh Tuhanku
Leraikan aku dari pautan nafsu
Biarpun sukar bagiku melamar redha-Mu
Namun masihku mengharap ampunan-Mu
Wahai Tuhanku? Ya Allah?

A Indication of Distress

When doubt creeps in

Wavering the unwavering

Nestling on its soul

Debilitating it essence

A definite distraction

A spanner in the works

The ultimate satisfaction

Is seeing the clock tick past

Just in case you're trying to figure out what this is all about, allow me to summarize. I hate exams. Period

Good luck to all, and may Allah's will and grace shine upon its believers.

Wallahu a'lam

He still wonders

A time to reminisce

Back to period of bliss

When the world seemed

As surreal as a dream…

It was a time unlike another

When he felt affection

Love some may call it

Regardless of definition

It was definitely a feeling

A deep sense of longing

Of purest of hearts

Shining out onto another

It was a blinding and binding

Mesmerizing at best

He prayed it wouldn’t end

But alas it wasn’t his hand

Fate played its part

In shaping His decree

Oh so cruel to the heart

Yet acceptance was the order

For fate, was the stronger

Tried as he might

Putting up a fight

Dreading the irony

The pain and agony

But it was for the best

And he'd learn to accept

Yet deep down he’s confessed

That the heart still longs

Yes it does still wonder

And all it can do

Is still wonder…


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