Is it too late to apologize?

Is it too late to apologize?

For how I’ve been

Living a life of sin

Is it too late to apologize?

To the ones I’ve caused pain

For the promises made on a whim

Is it too late to apologize?

Knowing of the heart that aches

Of my past mistakes

Is it too late to apologize?

As I live life in bliss

While surrounded by ignorance

Is it too late to apologize?

To the unassuming soul

Of which truth is yet to be told

Is it too late to apologize?

For leaving you behind

In search of the truth at bay

Is it too late to apologize?

For I have much to learn,

Much to earn

Is it too late to apologize?

For a betrayal of trust

Forgive me You must

Is it too late to apologize?

To seek the ultimate pleasure

In Your presence, alone and at leisure

Is it too late to apologize?

In the dead of night

Jittery chills of fright

Is it too late to apologize?

Oh Allah how I pray…

You lead me not astray

Is it too late to apologize?

For my time is short

And my deeds are of naught

I ask you

Is it too late to apologize?


Baru kat dunia

Belum yang di 'sana'

Dah study?

PS:aku nak minta maaf kat housemate2 atas segala kekurangan aku.



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