Menanti Saat itu

Aku menahan sebak ketika akhi Adam memegang tanganku pada malam itu. Ia memintaku mendoakanya di tanah haram yang bakal kujejaki insya allah.

"Brother Hijaz, ask that Adam is always thankful to Allah. Ask of Him to put Adam in Jannah, ask of Him to give Adam a pious muslim sister (yes, brother, we all dream of that as well) and ask of Him that he gets through his degree insya Allah"

Umar Bhutta juga tidak kurang hebatnya. Segulung kertas ia penuhi dengan beraneka permintaan. Akan kusimpan dalam dompetku insya Allah

Sesungguhnya ramai antara ikhwah telah datang dengan 'list' masing-masing. Aku harap aku tidak lupa. Teruatama yang mempunyai permintaan 'khas'

Diriku sendiri juga sudah semestinya banyak yang diminta. walaupun tidaklah sehingga merangka satu 'list' tetapi aku bertekad akan meminta semaksima yang mungkin di hadapan kaabah.

Begnilah rupanya perasaan sebelum ke umrah. Gementar. Takut. Excited pun ada. Terlalu banyak perkara yang jauh dari kepastian. Alangkah sedihnya hatiku setelah mendapat berita bahawa seseorang daripada ahli kumpulan kami tidak lulus visanya. Langsung tiada penjelasan dari pihak embassy. Tidak tahulah bagaimana perasaanya sekarang...Moga diberi kesabaran dan kekuatan menghadapinya.

Mudah sekali sekiranya Allah ingin menarik nikmatNya. Aku kini hanya mampu mengharap aku dikira layak untuk menjadi tetamuNya. Selagi belum berpijak di bumi suci itu, selagi itulah jantungku bekerja lebih masa.

Ala kullihal, aku masih bersyukur padaNya kerana telah memberi terlalu banyak nikmat. Memang benar seperti yang disebut dalam kitab
fi zilal quran karangan Sayyid Qutb : bahawa ar-rahman dan ar rahim mencakupi segala aspek kasih sayang, cinta, dan rahmat dalam seluruh alam. Tidak mungkin mana-mana makhluk dapat mengatasi kasih sayang Allah terhadap hambanya.

Buat masa ini, hadis-hadis tentang tanah haram menjadi sumber hiburanku. Janji syurga dan keampunanNya seolah mencurah minyak ke atas emosiku yang semestinya terbakar-bakar ingin merebut peluang keemasan ini

It has been narrated from Aba Abdillah [Imam Ja'far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) that he said, "Those who perform Hajj and the Umrah are the guests of Allah. If they ask Him for something, He will grant it to them; if they call upon Him then He will answer them; if they intercede (for others), their intercession will be accepted; if they remain quiet, then He will begin to speak to them; for every dirham which they spend (in their trip to Hajj), they will receive one million dirhams in return."

The Noble Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said, "A person who circumambulates this House (the Kaaba) seven times and performs the two Rak'at Salat (of Tawaf) in the best form possible will have his sins forgiven."

It has been narrated from Aba Abdillah [Imam Ja'far Ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq] (peace be upon him) that he said, "A person who dies while proceeding towards Makkah or while returning back (from Makkah) will be protected from the great distress of the Day of Resurrection."

Aku meminta doa sahabat-sahabat yang mengenaliku agar aku selamat sampai di tanah haram. Agar ibadahku diterima. Agar aku sendiri berubah menjadi lebih baik. Dan aku mati syahid. Amin

Menanti saat itu
White Oaks

Travel Log : Manchester

The stench of urine was indeed unbearable. The two girls sitting in front of us were already making faces. Yet the bus drove on…Welcome to Manchester.

Theatre of Dreams

My fourth trip to Manchester to date. A city I personally regard as a second home away from Dublin. Manchester was always part of my pre-adolescent fantasies that soon became an obsession. It didn’t matter what I studied, but it had to be in Manchester. It was the dream. Two words drove that ambition. Red Devils


Fate had other things in store. Enough said.

Shopaholics Anonymous

Shopping would always form some part in any trip to the Mancunian Republic. The strength of the Euro has made almost anywhere in the UK a haven for Irish shoppers. Myself included.

Another random fact: I always end up buying shoes when in Manchester.

The little bookshop...

A quaint shop along the curry mile never fails to be part of my itinerary. The hustle and bustle surrounding the area around the shop belies its quiet interior. The smell of Kemenyan(look it up yourselves) emanating from its embers fills the shop with a certain sense of eeriness and mystery. Islamic books ranging from encyclopaedias to Arabic grammar fills its shelves; not to mention a selection of other Islamic themed products. Often I find myself stocking up on my ever-growing personal library of unread books back home in Dublin.

Buy first. Read like whenever.

The Curry Mile

Rusholme boasts one of the most unique environments one can experience in the land of the queen. The Pakistani influence on this particular area is evident, as is the overall dip in cleanliness around the muslim-populated road. The lack of grandeur is compensated by the abundant cuisine available for tasting. And yes. The curry mile smells like curry.

Lamb ribs anyone?

Man with a mission

My flight home was a memorable experience. Ryanair was as always doing its best to leech off the passengers by imposing a strict if-your-bag-does-not-fit-into-the-box-you-have-to-pay-30euros-fee. We got through though.

“Don’t get mad at me, I’m just doing my job”, said the man unfortunate enough to draw the shortest straw. There just had to be a scapegoat. But he did look as if he enjoyed making people pay the extra fee.

Anak Dolah (relevant kepada masyarakat melayu ireland sahaja)

Back to the plane ride. A bunch of anak dollah-s who had just finished their leaving certs decided to get drunk on the flight. Cries of “Spartans!!”, as well as a cute rendition of “Baby when the lights go out” reverberated throughout the journey. One of them also passed out drunk. I doubt they were old enough to drink. Let alone drink vodka.

Poor underpaid Ryainair stewardesses.


“Assalamualaykum to you sir,” said the Irish immigration officer. “Alaykum salam to you as well”, I answered without blinking. Couldn’t help but smile.

Compare and contrast that to the immigration officer who did the following when I was visited by some friends from Ukraine last winter.

1. Detaining all the Malaysians students arriving from Ukraine

2. Interrogation (in a nice way kot)

3. Zooming in all the airport cameras to my face

4. Calling my handset and requesting me to display my ID card to the camera on the ceiling. (much to the shock of the lad sitting next to me)

5. Directing me to wait in front of the Vodafone shop so that the officer himself could come out to meet me (famous kot)

6. Ask searching questions on how I could’ve known people studying in as far as Ukraine. ( I only knew one of them so I had to lie)

7. Re-checking the details and verifying it with the presumed guilty convicts from Ukraine ( thank god I sms-ed them the answers in time)

I still love Ireland, nonetheless….

Menanti Subuh


Leinster Road, Dublin

Terlalu banyak tapi

Aku ingin bergelar daie
Tapi jahiliyyah seakan sebati dalam diri

Aku ingin bergelar daie
Tapi nafsu masih menguasai

Aku ingin bergelar daie
Tapi amal langsung tidak qawi

Aku ingin bergelar daie
Tapi cukup berat hati

Aku ingin bergelar daie
Tapi bekalan hanya sekati

Aku ingin bergelar daie
Tapi Quran dan Sunnah tak ku tepati

Aku ingin bergelar daie
Tapi tidak layak menjadi ‘saksi’

Aku ingin bergelar daie
Tapi terlalu banyak tapi

Dublin shines today

As the heart goes aflutter

The eyes seek shelter

From indeed an alarming sight

In the streets where the sun shines bright

A test of will, a test of faith

These summer months bring forth

As he desperately tries to arise

In time to hear the call for prayer


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