Aku, Engkau, Mereka, dan Kita

The writer wishes to remain anonymous. Out of respect, I shall not state my source nor share any information about this piece.



Ini Jalanku

Aku memilih jalan dakwah.

Sepertimana dipilih Rasul. Bukan pengaruh tokoh. Bukan desakan naqib. Aku sedar akan tanggungjawabku. Tanggungjawab terhadap umat. Tanggungjawab memperjuangkan agamaku. Melaksanakan shahadatul haq!


Aku bernaung di bawah jemaah yang ISLAM. Walaupun aku tahu terdapat jemaah lain yang juga memperjuangkan ISLAM. Aku tidak sesama sekali meremehkan mereka. Malah aku wajib membantu mereka sekiranya mampu. Siapalah aku untuk menilai mereka? Sedangkan mereka diterajui golongan ulama' yang jauh lebih hebat dariku. Ataupun graduan-graduan profesional yang mempunyai daya pemikir yang jauh dari kemampuanku. Sudah tentu mereka mudah mematahkan segala hujahku terhadap jemaah mereka. Maka aku tidak akan sesekali merendahkan mereka.

Aku dan Engkau

Kita semestinya di jalan yang sama. Akidah yang sama. Tuhan yang sama. Berani ku katakan, TUJUAN yang sama. BERANI juga ku katakan, methodologi yang berbeza. Methodologi karangan manusia.. Ijtihad atas tafsiran Quran dan Sunnah. Methodologi yang tidak maksum. Maka janganlah kita gah. Jangan kita taksub. Quran dan Sunnah pegangan hakiki. Jangan lupa itu. Jemaah hanya wadah. Demi meraih keredhaanNya.


"Bagaimana dengan 'mat salleh' itu? Adakah dia tidak layak menerima picisan dakwah yang kau bawa?"

Sebak dadaku. Berat. Hiba. Siapalah aku untuk mengkategorikan manusia kepada 'layak', mahupun 'tidak layak'. Tetapi aku terpaksa memilih. Bukan kerana menidakkan haknya mendapat kebenaran.

Tetapi atas kelemahan diriku sendiri. Aku tidak yakin dengan kemampuanku menyentuh hatinya. Kita berbeza. Budaya berbeza. Budaya yang memungkinkan aku dan dia berpijak atas satu kesamaan. Tetapi berbeza. Bahasa berbeza. Bahasa yang merupakan kunci merungkaikan permasalahan di hati. Jua berbeza.

Melayu tak Melayu

"Engkau ni 'racist'lah. Islam tidak mengenal warna kulit. Tapi Islam yang engkau bawa ni, seolah menitik beratkan MELAYU"

Janganlah begitu, wahai sahabat. Aku bukan racist. Aku perlu bermula dari bawah. Bermula dari yang terdekat. Sepertimana juga Rasulullah. Aku perlu mendapat kekuatan. PERLUkan sokongan dari masyarakatku. Mentarbiyyah individu menjadi da'ie, di samping mentarbiyyah diriku. Membangunkan masyarakat. Menegakkan syiar. Kemudian mengejar yang dahulunya pernah bernaung. Khulafa' Islam. Bukan Khulafa' Melayu. Tetapi Islam.

Aku tidak mengabaikan mereka. Aku masih berhubungan dengan mereka. Aku menunaikan hak mereka sebagai mad'u. Aku juga menyampaikan sekdar yang aku mampu. Seperti juga kamu. Tetapi itu bukan FOKUS aku. Fahamilah perbezaan itu.

Aku berjanji kepadamu. Pada suatu hari nanti, engkau akan lihat. Bahawa Islam yang aku bawa ini tidaklah hanya untuk MELAYU. Mudah kita menilai. Berhenti di situ. Bukan hak kamu. Biar Allah penentu.


“Objektif kita berlainan. Fikrah lain. Kamu kejar itu. Kami kejar ini. Tak mungkin serasi.”

Mengapa meraikan perbezaan? Sedangkan persamaan itu banyak.

Allahu Rabbuna. Rasul Qudwatuna. Quran Dusturuna

Kita bekerja di syarikat yang sama. Kita bernaung bawah CEO yang sama. Kita inginkan kejayaan yang sama. Kita inginkan ISLAM. Walaupun aku berada di pejabat berbeza. Allah jua memberi gaji, di akhirat nanti.

Aku Sahabatmu

Adakah kau lupa. Sebelum kita keliru dengan jemaah. Kita berukhuwwah semata-mata. Tiada bezanya, antara kau dan aku, ketika itu. Adakah dengan adanya jemaah, ukhuwwah itu terjejas?

Ingatlah suatu ketika dahulu. Engkau peka mengesan, ketika aku mundur. Kau ikhlas membantu walau tidak dipinta. Kau bisa meniup, semangat dalam diriku. Tetapi kini, terlalu banyak berubah

Sahabatku. Aku rindui kamu.


Aku tetap sahabatmu. Mendambai kehadiranmu. Aku menunggu di sini. Minda terbuka. Tangan terdepa. Sesungguhnya, aku sahabatmu.




The Law Society of UCD organized a debate titled as above. The atmosphere was heated, with both sides exchanging blows and coming to an irreconcilable conclusion. The motion was passed in favour of the proposition. SHARIA LAW IS DEFINITELY NOT RELEVANT IN THE 21st CENTURY.

“ I’m not an idiot. Do not even attempt to fool me in saying that we believe in the same God. You believe in Allah. I believe that Jesus IS the son of GOD. You beat up women. You degrade them.You oppress them. And then you claim that SHARIA is the divine solution to our problems. Shame on you.”

This is me

I’m don’t claim to be an intellectual. I don’t pride myself in being analytical, nor do I spend time pondering in thought about pressing issues.

I promised myself I wouldn’t do this. Writing brings out the best and worst in me. On one hand, my ideas are more concretely presented, as I seldom find people who connect to the poetry I write.

Writing, however is a total different story. It is intertwined with emotions. It is extremely hard to differentiate between emotions, fact, and arguments without sinking into a ‘rambling’ phase I find in many blogs. I hope I’m up for this. Here goes….

Why I hate Histology

I promise you I will make this clear once we reach the end. Believe me it has everything to do with the topic I wish to highlight

I once characterized histology as the “study of dots”. I hated looking in the Wheater’s text book of histology. I hated noting the differences between a red dot, a purple dot, and a squiggly looking mitochondrion so unlike the beautiful picture painted in my past biology textbooks. To summate, I hated it.

In UCD, most of the histological material is taught in a module called “The Molecular Basis of Life”. Take note of the aura of theatrics surrounding the title. I of course could not ever appreciate the significance of John Baugh rambling about his fascination surrounding a mere cytoskeleton of a cell.

Why I still hate histology

Much has changed since then even though I still disagree with the method of teaching histology. When browsing through any histological text book, one can easily overlook the significance of each picture. The amount of time put in to actually make a claim that this red dot actually secretes histamine, or whether this lighter red dot is actually a chromophobe, or even claiming it to be a capillary; things we let slide from our view makes this subject mundane and tiresome.

Admittedly, I still hate histology. But I do appreciate the importance of it now. One cannot ever hope to gain anything beneficial by just studying text books on the week before the exam.

Dots will remain dots.

Unless we appreciate the effort put by the histologists (not even sure if such a career exists) in picking the right stain, analyzing the structures using intricate techniques before even daring to come up with an explanation of what its functions are; Dots will remain dots. If we go back to the FUNDAMENTALS of histology, how it relates to the aetiology of disease, then one would value the immense role it has to play in medicine.

Sharia Law : Is it even worth talking about?

”If I am gang raped by a bunch of criminals, the Sharia won’t even allow me to press charges unless I present four reliable witnesses. I might even be liable to lashings of the whip if I am convicted of false adulterous testimony”

Again I stress that I’m no intellectual. Nor am I a scholar. Sharia isn’t for the faint hearted.

How can you convince a capitalist state that women dressing up in hijab WILL prevent rape? How can you claim that stoning an adulterer to death is beneficial to a society that is generally promiscuous?

All these questions went unanswered tonight. The debate was a farce to begin with, and we had no chance of winning let alone convince anyone in that room who wasn’t muslim, that Sharia is relevant.

These are trivial matters.

Unfortunately, these are the issues that we focus on whenever indulging in a dialogue that spans faiths. Undoubtedly, at some point it does need to be addressed, but to shift one’s target from the core content of what Islam brings is unfair.

Individual vs State

Establishing a state of islam is a sensitive issue. And when it comes to sensitive issues, we prefer to sweep it under the bed and leave it there.

It is in our aqidah to believe in the compulsion of establishing the rule of Allah in this world. A statement which many shy upon making. The question is, should it be made our priority?

Are we discounting the fact that building an Islamic state in a society that is predominantly IGNORANT of islam will cause chaos and anarchy?

Rasulullah spent 13 years in Makkah preaching nothing but submission to God. In 13 years he managed to obtain merely 300 followers to Islam. But these 300 muslims were the ones of the highest qualities. Individuals groomed to excellence in faith, understanding the true core of submission toward Allah swt. An Islamic state was only formed after almost the whole of Madinah embraced the Oneness of God.

It was the presence of individual muslims confident of their faith that made it possible to establish any sort of rule pertaining to Sharia.

What does histology have to do with Implementing the Sharia?

If one does not understand the significance behind the choice of stain used to analyze a microscopic specimen; If one does not understand the importance of detecting a slightly misshapened mitochondrion, or a partially degrading Kupffer cell, then Histology is of no relevance. Histology will never be relevant.

Hence, (drumroll)

If one does not understand Islam; If one does NOT appreciate the NEED for Allah. If one does NOT even believe in the fundamentals of religion that have been decreed upon since the beginning of time; Then ISLAM isn’t relevant. SHARIA isn’t relevant.

All because he failed to understand the significance of that little red dot in his histology textbook.

I rest my case

(Good luck to my fellow colleagues who will be sitting for their Endocrine Histology exam on the 11th of November)

Today’s dream, tomorrow’s reality

Today’s dream, tomorrow’s reality
Ideal, almost surreal
Of a future so bright
Where wrong undone by right

When vice, replaced by nice
Away, with moral decay
Crime, but frozen in time
As sunrise, brings its demise

The Book, of guidance and light
Stands tall, poised and upright
In the hearts of men all alike
As HIS words bring shine and delight

A day, indeed we await
To succeed, achievement of sorts
Then face, the toughest of fates
On the day, we stand in HIS court

For He did not but create
Humans, to serve and prostrate…
So take heed, this call to arms,
Let us devote, our lives to Islam…

(thank you room-mate)

When Eid is Near

This time each year

I spare a tear

For the One above

And to those I love…

Overwhelmed by emotion

Attracted by whim

Quelled by devotion

Of adherence to Him

Oh how I long to kiss

Soft hands of theirs

Of which sorely missed

Beyond compare

When Eid is near

Few things one fears

Of forgotten past deeds

That has ceased to bleed

Forgiveness is handed

On a golden plate

To those intended

And of righteous faith

Selamat Hari Raya

Moga tarbiyyah pada ramadhan bisa menjana semangat untuk 11 bulan seterusnya...

Yours Truly

A month it’s almost been

Been chained against my will

Impatient for my chance

Returning to your side

Let us rejoice together

For it is almost over

No more thirst nor hunger

Needn’t suffer any longer

Surprise, surprise surprise..

I see that you’ve not changed

A month has made you thin

But still very weak within

Vulnerable to sorts of sin

You’ve failed to materialize

The chance to shut me out

While others prayed and wept

You stayed behind and slept…

Opportunity on a plate

Through Heaven’s any gate

Yet you let it slip your grasp

A month you put to waste

Too bad you have slacked

Ramadhan’s almost past

And this time I’ll come back

Stronger than the last…

Yours Truly

Shaitaan La’natullah

Lost in thought-A quick reminder

One tends to judge
Sometimes too much
As our intentions vary
At rates of which are scary

But fear thy not
It’s threats are naught
Though lurk he might
Yet sorely lacking bite

As decreed in the Book
Where we often fail to look
Ramadhan kareem
Unless thoroughly embraced
Will but go to waste
In days of old
Of knights so bold
Neither hunger nor thirst
Deterrent to their faith

Steadfast and ready
Unwavering and steady
Though we aspire to be,
As great as thee
We can’t but envy

In the dark of night
Shivering with fright
A chilly wind
Reflection of sin

Teary eyed
A heavy sigh
Burdened by guilt
Shamed to the hilt

Forgiveness he seeks
For his faith so weak
Desperate, distraught,
Lost in thought

Ramadhan ini...

Ku menanti Ramadhan
Penuh harapan
Mendamba keampunan

Perut berlapar
Syaitan disangkar
Nafsu berdebar

Yang haram ditegah
Yang wajib, maklumlah
Yang sunat ditambah
PahalaNya melimpah

Senja mendatang
Azan berkumandang
Syaitan pun meradang

Penat terkulai
Lemah gemalai
Puas tersadai

Malam menyahut
Merungkai yang kusut
Tika basah bersujud

Di bulan azimat

Ayuh beribadat!

Insaf bertaubat


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